Fran Friel

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A Very Germy Contest

Germs Are Fun!
Well, at least THESE germs are fun. They're GIANTmicrobes. I first saw these cuddly "bugs" after RavenCon. The lovely and talented, Mr. Mark Rainey, posted a photo of The Plague, a gift from a friend at the Con. What a great idea!

I never asked who was selling Germs at the Con, I just assumed they were the genius idea of a horror writer or artist, but it seems their roots are in education. I went hunting for them online today and discovered that their roots are actually in the field of education at Educational Innovations and

Very clever teaching tool, if you ask me. Being a very visual person who also likes to touch things (silk, rose petals, satin, velvet...ahhh...), I'd never forget a plush germ once I met one. Take the lovely red locks of the Typhoid Microbe, or the long white tubular Heartworm. Or how about that cute little Flesh Eating Virus, or our pal, Salmonella. And of course, we must not forget the Bookwork, but my personal favorite is Mad Cow (can't help but think of William Shatner...for you Boston Legal fans).

So, there you have it kids. See, germs can indeed be fun. Which one is your favorite? Maybe if you're a very good boy or girl, or perhaps even better, very bad, you'll get your very own cuddly microbes to share with us all. *wink*

The Germy Contest Details
Now for the contest, and you know how I love contests. It's VERY easy to play:

Post a comment to this blog with the name of your favorite GIANTmicrobe and why you like it. Make your choice from the Educational Innovations catalog.

PRIZE: One person will be randomly chosen from my blogs (since I'm a cross-poster, this includes the HL Blogs and my personal blogs - I'd do one germ for each blog, but I'm on a budget because of our house buying adventures). The winner will be announced on June 10th in my Sunday blog.

Now, get germ pickin'!

Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel